"The cosmetics industry generates $170 billion annually", according to Radiance Cosmetics a socially conscious cosmetic company."Women dominate this industry and of the over 2 million human beings trafficked each year, 80% are women and girls."
Nicole Marett, founder of Radiance Cosmetics started this life-changing organization after doing 9-months of missions work with a organization called
The World Race. During her journey she became friends with a prostitute in Thailand and became aware of women being trapped or trafficking in the commercial sex industry.
"A vision began to form. I was given a new dream; to run a makeup company that partners with anti-trafficking organizations, financially as well as getting people involved in their own communities physically. Especially in the United States, where trafficking happens in our own backyard." - Nicole Marett, Founder, Radiance Cosmetics
Today, Radiance Cosmetics is a thriving company, helping numerous organizations and communities rescue and restore victims of human trafficking. Let your beauty be a ticket to someone's freedom.
Shop Radiance Cosmetics for your beauty needs.
All photography is copyrighted and owned by Radiance Cosmetics.